Schulterchirurg Dr. Mohy TAHA
Dr. med. Mohy TAHA is at the Kantonsspital Aarau, at the Bürgerspital Solothurn, at the Uniklinik Balgrist, and at the Universitätsklinik Basel trained orthopedic surgeon with an international focus in shoulder and elbow surgery since 2013.
Dr. Taha studied in Cairo, did his doctorate in Zurich, and completed 5 fellowships and several internships in Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, and the USA.
- Aarau, Switzerland
- Shoulder and elbow
Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Observership Schulterchirurg Dr. Mohy Taha Aarau and Rothrist
Provider: Schulterchirurg Dr. Mohy TAHA
- Shoulder and elbow
Posted on: 2021/10/30
Swiss Shoulder Fellowship
Provider: Schulterchirurg Dr. Mohy TAHA
- Shoulder and elbow
Posted on: 2021/12/31